We were up early, with 6:00 am wake up calls and a 6:30 breakfast. Breakfast this morning was toast with a homemade papaya and mango marmalade, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, coffee and juice.
Our bus left at 7:30 for the cloud forest---IT WAS ZIP LINING DAY with Aventura Canopy Tour!!!!
We all got harnassed in, helmets on, and ready for instruction! Then...we were off!
All in all there were 12 platforms during our zip line. One zip line was a mile long! We zipped over the canopy--some of us even saw a rainbow as we zipped on by! At the next platform, most people were partnered up and zipped to their final destination. As we were unhooked, we were asked if we were participating in.....
The Mega Tarzan Swing! This was a jump from a platform, that swung out and finally finished on the group below. Almost everyone participated--students and chaperones alike!
As if that weren't enough....
Some participated in the optional Horseback Riding experience. The ride went through the rainforest. The terrain changed from meadows to forests, hills and flat land.
Those who didn't go horseback riding, went into town to explore. Some spoke with the local people, others observed glass blowing (the family's tradition), visited and shopped in a shop with handmade blankets, purses, wallets. Some even went to a Sushi bar! Some students saw an Easter parade go by. There were lots of tourists out in town and the church was packed with locals.
Lunch was back at our hotels after our respective activities. Then, it was off for a canopy walk.
The canopy walk was through the canopy of the rainforest on eight hanging bridges.
As we walked through the canopy learning about the epiphytes, strangler trees, and enjoying the views, we were fortunate to see a quetzal.
Our guide explained that bird watchers come to this forest just to see this bird. You can imagine how excited and awed we were to see it in person and so close! It was beautiful!
We returned to our hotels, exhausted but happy. Dinner was quesadillas and homemade yucca chips. Tomorrow we're off to the Pacific Coast. We'll be leaving the mountains and headed down to sea level.